Be The Change
Come be a part of the change.
SEGO Initiative grew from the very simple yet extremely powerful idea of giving back to the community. Hence was born the Fujisawa Beach Clean Project in 2009, a massive project that engaged corporate action and local volunteers to clean up the marine debris that plagues the Fujisawa Beach. A large community day of service, Fujisawa Beach Clean Project is now even bigger than its inception and is held twice a year in Spring and autumn.
We formalized our aim of connecting causes to communities by incorporating (as an 一般社団法人) in 2014 and, with the constant support of our dedicated volunteers, continue in our quest to make the world a better place each day through dedicated action and inclusive projects.
We make family-friendly, immersive, grassroots experiences to help protect the environment by connecting hearts, minds, and nature.

Marine Debris Removed
Community Value Added
≈12 Tons
Volunteered Hours
No. of Volunteers

Meet the Founders
SEGO Initiative was founded by Alana and Michel Bonzi. It has grown out of the Fujisawa Beach Cleaning Project, a local grassroots project started in 2009.

Fujisawa Beach Clean
The Project involves a large-scale, biannual beach, park, and jinja cleanups. The cleanups are held in Spring (Earth Day) and Fall (International Coastal Cleanup Campaign) on the Fujisawa Enoshima coast in Shonan. These family-friendly beach cleanups include collecting data on marine debris, and a networking aperitif afterward.
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Organic Farming in Shonan
Inspired by Slow Food International and the Edible School Yard Project, Organic Farming in Shonan Project is about helping local organic farmers, understand the natural food cycle and appreciate the pleasure of good fresh food.
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Cacao Collective Project